The Policies of Hidden Valley Foundation, Inc.

The Hidden Valley Foundation (HVF) is a Homeowner's Associations (HOA). The HOA is made up of, and governed by, the community homeowners/residents through the Board of Directors and is tasked with the responsibility of making and enforcing rules for the properties, owners, and dwellers. The purpose of these policies is for HVF to explain the responsibilities and rights of all unit owners, residents, and visitors to HVF and to detail the use and restrictions of the Foundation’s properties. Click the policy titles below to read each policy.

Appeal Procedure
Policy Name: Appeal Procedure

Policy Number: 24

Original Issue Date: May 16, 1997

  • November 21, 2008

Purpose: To provide a low-cost, simple procedure for unit owners to challenge the decisions and notices issued by the committees of the Hidden Valley Foundation.

Policy Statement:

A. Appeal Body: The appeal body shall be the Board of Directors of the Hidden Valley Foundation. The appeal body shall address unit owners' appeals from decisions denying their applications to the Architecture Control Committee and from notices of violations of Covenants, Policies, and Rules & Regulations.

B. The unit owner shall have the right to file a written notice of appeal with the Executive Director within thirty (30) days of the date of the 1) decision of the Architectural Control Committee, or 2) notice of violation whichever is applicable.

C. The Board of Directors shall hear the appeal at a regularly scheduled meeting. The Executive Director shall mail written notice to all interested parties of the date and time of the appeal hearing. Immediately following the appeal hearing, the Board shall rule by majority vote on the appeal, and the Executive Director shall mail the Board's decision to all interested parties within ten (10) days following the hearing.

D. Following the receipt of the Board's decision, the unit owner shall have, within thirty (30) days following the date of the Board's decision, the right to demand arbitration according to the procedure set forth in thse Rules & Regulations.

Connect With Us

1900 South Ridge Drive, PO Box 4180

Hidden Valley, PA 15502

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